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GoCondor uses Redis for cache and its disabled by default, you can enable it in the file config/cache.go by setting the attribute EnableCache to true, then add Redis connection information to the .env if you are using it. otherwise, you can use an external tool to inject these variables into the environment

Here is a sample of the Redis connection information in the .env` file:

###### CACHE ######

Set values in the cache

package handlers

import (

func Login(c *core.Context) *core.Response {
err := c.GetCache().Set("userID", 12345)

Set values in the cache with an expiration date

package handlers

import (

func Login(c *core.Context) *core.Response {
hours24 := time.Duration(time.Hour * 24) // 24 hours duration
afterHours24: time.Now().Add(hours24) // the date after 24 hours from now
err := c.GetCache().SetWithExpiration("userID", 12345, afterHours24) // expires after 24 hours

Get values from cache

Here is how you can get values from cache

package handlers

import (

func Login(c *core.Context) *core.Response {
userID, err := c.GetCache().Get("userID")

Cache Delete

Here is how you can delete something from the cache

package handlers

import (

func Login(c *core.Context) *core.Response {
err := c.GetCache().Delete("userID")