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To access the validator call the function GetValidator() in the context object The validator takes two parameters, the first parameter is a map of the data to be validated, and the second parameter is a map of the rules of validation Below is an example for validating an input of email and password

func Login(c *core.Context) *core.Response {
v := c.GetValidator()
// the data
data := map[string]interface{}{
"email": "",
"password": "secret",
// the validation rules
rules := map[string]interface{}{
"email": "required|email",
"password": "required|length:6,10",
// Validate
vResult := v.Validate(data, rules)
// check to see if validation failed
if vResult.Failed() {
// get error messages in json format
errorsJson := vResult.GetErrorMessagesJson()
return c.Response.SetStatusCode(422).Json(errorsJson)
// Proceed with logging in the user

Available Rules:

required makes sure the field under validation is not missing

email makes sure the field under validation is a valid email address

url makes sure the field under validation is a valid URL

alpha makes sure the field under validation contains only valid alphabet

digit makes sure the field under validation contains only valid numbers

alphaNumeric makes sure the field under validation contains alphabet letters and valid numbers only

lowerCase makes sure the field under validation contains lower case letters only

upperCase makes sure the field under validation contains uppercase only

int makes sure the field under validation is integer only

float makes sure the field under validation is float only

uuid makes sure the field under validation is a valid uuid

creditCard makes sure the field under validation is a valid credit card number

json makes sure the field under validation is a valid json string

base64 makes sure the field under validation is a valid base64

countryCode2 makes sure the field under validation is a valid iso country code of 2 letters

countryCode3 makes sure the field under validation is a valid iso country code of 3 letters

isoCurrencyCode makes sure the field under validation is a valid iso currency code

mac makes sure the field under validation is a valid mac address

ip makes sure the field under validation is a valid ip address

ipv4 makes sure the field under validation is a valid ip address version 4

ipv6 makes sure the field under validation is a valid ip address version 6

subdomain makes sure the field under validation is a valid subdomain

domain makes sure the field under validation is a valid domain

dnsName makes sure the field under validation is a valid dns name

host makes sure the field under validation is a valid host

port makes sure the field under validation is a valid port number

mongoID makes sure the field under validation is a valid mongoDB id

latitude makes sure the field under validation is a valid latitude

longitude makes sure the field under validation is a valid longitude

ssn makes sure the field under validation is a valid ssn

semver makes sure the field under validation is a semantic version number

min: makes sure the field under validation is a number with a minimum value of what's set. Example: min:5 this makes sure the value under validation is a number with a minimum value of 5

max: makes sure the field under validation is a number with a max value of what's set. Example: max:5 this makes sure the value under validation is a number with a max value of 5

in: makes sure the field under validation is one of the values that are set. Example: in:USD,EUR,AED. this makes sure the value under validation is either USD or EUR or AED

dateLayout: makes sure the field under validation is a valid date with the given layout. Example: dateLayout:2006-01-02T15:04:05

length: makes sure the length (number of letters) of the field under validation is within the given range. Example: length:5,7