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Getting Started

To create a new GoCondor project you need to install Gaffer first which is the cli tool for GoCondor

Installing the CLI tool [Gaffer]

To install the gaffer globally open up your terminal and run the following command:

go install

Create a new project:

To create a new project run the following command

gaffer new myapp

where: myapp is the name of your project. is the remote repository that will host the project

Add a route

Let's create a route that returns hello world Open up the file routes.go in the root of your project and add to it the code below:

router.Get("/greeting", func(c *core.Context) *core.Response {
JsonString := `{"message": "hello world"}`

return c.Response.Json(JsonString)

Next, in your terminal navigate to the project dir and run the following command to start the live reloading:

gocondor run:dev

Finally, open up your browser and navigate to http://localhost/greeting

To learn more check the routing docs section