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The context is an object that provides you with all the functionalities and information you need to handle a request, it contains things like request headers, form's post data, uploaded files, database orm, sending emails, ...etc. In addition to that it contains the response object which contains various functions to return different types of responses like json, html, text ...etc. Below are more details about the functionalities that the context provides you with:

Get the URL parameters

GetPathParam(key string)

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
// route:
name := c.GetPathParam("name")

Get the request parameters

GetRequestParam(key string) to get the forms data (post, get, put,...etc)

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
// URL:
name := c.GetRequestParam("name")

fmt.Println(name) // outputs john

Check if a request parameter exists

RequestParamExists(key string) It check's if a request parameter exists, it returns true if it exists and false if it doesn't

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
// URL:
nameExists := c.RequestParamExists("name")
if nameExists {
// name exists

Gets the value of a request header

GetHeader(key string)

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
realIPAddress := c.GetHeader("X-Forwarded-For")

Handle uploaded files

GetUploadedFile(key string) Returns information about the uploaded file like name, path

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
fileInfo, err := c.GetUploadedFile("key-name")
fileInfo.FullPath // full path to the temporary location of the uploaded file
fileInfo.Name // the name of the file

Where: fileinfo is an object that has general information about the uploaded file, here is all the file information that it provides:

  • fileInfo.FullPath: full path to the temporary location of the uploaded file
  • fileInfo.Name: the file name without the path
  • fileInfo.NameWithoutExtension: the file name without extension
  • fileInfo.Extension: the extension of the file
  • fileInfo.Size: the file size in bytes

Save uploaded file to a specific location: GoCondor stores all uploaded files in a temporary location, to save it to a specific location, you can simply move it using the function MoveFile(srcPath, destPath, newFilename), here is how:

moving uploaded file to storage dir
func SaveFile(c *core.Context) {
fileinfo, err := c.GetUploadedFile("key-name")
err := c.MoveFile(fileinfo.FullPath, "./storage/files", "myfile.pdf")
if err != nil {
// error moving the file

Move files from one location to another

MoveFile(srcPath, destLocation, newFileName) helps you move files from one location to another, it returns an error in case of any

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
err := c.MoveFile("./storage/myfile.paf", "./storage/pdfs/", "new-filename.pdf")

Copy files

CopyFile(srcPath, destLocation, newFileName) helps you copy files from one location to another, it returns an error in case of any

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
err := c.CopyFile("./storage/myfile.paf", "./storage/pdfs/", "new-filename.pdf")

Convert maps to json

MapToJson(myMap map[string]interface{}) can help you convert maps to json

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
jsonString := c.MapToJson(myMap)

Get the project's base directory path

GetBaseDirPath() gives you the full path to the project's base directory bath in a string format

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
path := c.GetBaseDirPath()

Convert variables to strings

CastToString(value interface{}) helps you convert variables to strings, it panics if the variable is not convertible to string

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
str := c.CastToString(valueStr)

Convert variables to int

CastToInt(value interface{}) convert variables to int including (int32, int64, ...etc), it panics if it's not convertible to int

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
valueInt := c.CastToInt(valueStr)

Convert variables to float

CastToFloat(value interface{}) convert variables to float64, it panics if it's not convertible to float64

func SomeHandler(c *core.Context) {
valueFloat64 := c.CastToFloat(value)