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All request information like posted data, uploaded files, headers,...etc can be accessed using the context.

URL Parameters

URL path parameters can be defined by prefixing the parameter name with :. Here is an example of defining a path parameter

file: routes.go
router.Get("users/:id", handlers.GetUsers)

Here is an example of accessing it

file handlers/users.go
func GetUsers(c *core.Context) {
userID := c.GetPathParam("id")

Query and form's post parameters

Query parameters are passed to the URL like this /users?name=jack, both query parameters and the form post data can be accessed with the function GetRequestParam("PARAM_NAME"), here is an example:

func listUsers(c *core.Context) {
name := c.GetRequestParam("name")
PostParam:= c.GetRequestParam("PARAM_KEY")

Form uploaded files:

Here is how you can access the form uploaded file

func saveFile(c *core.Context) {
fileInfo, err := c.GetUploadedFile("uploaded-file-key-name")
fileInfo.FullPath // full path to the temp location of the uploaded file
fileInfo.Name // the name of the file

Where: fileinfo is an object that has general information about the uploaded file, here is all the file information that it provides:

  • fileInfo.FullPath: full path to the temp location of the uploaded file
  • fileInfo.Name: the file name without the path
  • fileInfo.NameWithoutExtension: the file name without extension
  • fileInfo.Extension: the extension of the file
  • fileInfo.Size: the file size in bytes

Save uploaded file:

GoCondor stores all uploaded files in a temporary location, to save it to a specific location, you can simply move it using the function MoveFile(srcPath, destPath, newFilename), here is how:

moving uploaded file to storage dir
func SaveFile(c *core.Context) {
fileinfo, err := c.GetUploadedFile("uploaded-file-key-name")
err := c.MoveFile(fileinfo.FullPath, "./storage/files", "myfile.pdf")

Header Data:

Here is how you can get headers:

func ListTodos(c *core.Context) {
realIPAddress := c.GetHeader("X-Forwarded-For")