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A Middleware is a pieces of functional that gets executed either before handling the request or after. Mddlewares are located in the directory middlewares/ in the root directory of the project. A Middleware in GoCondor is simply a function of type core.Middleware that gets assigned to routes so that it can be executed before or after the execution of the request's handler.

A Middleware to be executed before processing the request

In case the logic gets defined before calling the function c.Next(). Below an example of a middleware to executed before processing the request

package middlewares

import (


var myMiddleware core.Middleware = func(c *core.Context) {
// Logic goes here ...

to assign this middleware myMiddleware to a specific route, simply pass it as a third parameter to the route's definition, check this code below for more info:

router.Get("/", handlers.Login, middlewares.myMiddleware)

A Middleware to be executed after processing the request

In case the logic gets defined after calling the function c.Next(). Below an example of a middleware to be executed after processing the request

package middlewares

import (


var myMiddleware core.Middleware = func(c *core.Context) {
// Logic goes here ...

to assign this middleware myMiddleware to a specific route, simply pass it as a third parameter to the route's definition, check the code below:

router.Get("/", handlers.Login, middlewares.myMiddleware)

Assigning multiple middlewares to routes

You can simply pass them as a second, third, fourth, ...etc parameters to the route's definition, regardless of the middleware been a before request handling middleware or an after request handling middleware, here is how:


Return response from the middleware

Sometimes you might want to return the response to users from the middleware, you can achieve that by simply calling the function ForceSendResponse() on the Response property on the context object.

package middlewares

import (

var UnauthorizedCheck core.Middleware = func(c *core.Context) {
// Logic goes here ...


Registering a middleware globally to all routes

You can register middlewares globally in the file /register-global-middlewares.go in the root directory of the project. Simply pass the middleware as an argument to the function core.UseMiddleware(your-middleware), here is how:

package main

import (

func registerGlobalMiddlewares() {
//# Global middlewares registration #####

// Register global middlewares here ...


Always remember to call c.Next() function in your middlewares in the right place